I couldn't find any solution for this error, good thing is that this error can be ignored. If you see following error, it is coming from inside pyvirtualdisplay. If you see following error, it means Xvfb is not installed properly, Make sure yum install Xvfb has gone through successfully. If you got following error, it means geckodriver is not installed properly WebDriverException: Message: 'geckodriver' executable needs to be in PATH. If you got following error, it means you are missing options.headless = True WebDriverException: Message: invalid argument: can't kill an exited process Common errors while installing Firefox, Selenium and Xvfb

If you didn't get any error, it means everything just worked fine. tar -xf geckodriver-v0.26.0-linu圆4.tar.gzįrom import Optionsĭriver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path= '/usr/local/bin/geckodriver',options=options) Go to following link and get the latest tar.gz file based on your operating system.Īpi./repos/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/latest wget https:/ //mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v 0. Lastly we need geckodriver, the driver through which Selenium will access Firefox. Pip install pyvirtualdisplay How to install Firefox geckodriver How to use Selenium with Firefox Invoke ipython. Yum install Xvfb How to install Python Selenium yum -y install firefoxĪbove will install Firefox.

Given that Lets now install Firefox using yum.

cat /etc/os-release | egrep -i 'CPE_NAME' How To Install Selenium Firefox On Centos