How to create your signature style
How to create your signature style

how to create your signature style

Either you don’t know what you like, or you don’t know what looks good on you.

how to create your signature style

There are two main reasons you haven’t found your signature style. How would you like the world to see you? Ask yourself that before you get dressed.And keep reading to learn how to find your style. But knowing your signature style will help you to put outfits together easily. Don’t forget it’s OK to try new things that you may consider not your usual style too. Use this guide to help you find your own unique signature style. Think of something you’d like to be remembered for. What would you like your signature look to be? Maybe you like aviator sunglasses, or colourful scarves. Just try to find the right tone for you.Įverybody who has a signature style should think of a ‘calling card’ too. It’s usually down to your skin tone and eye color ! However, if you really love a colour and it makes you feel great, you can still wear it. These colours should enhance your looks, but not wash you out. Try to stick to a specific colour palette if possible, so you can easily mix up everything in your wardrobe to create a new and exciting look. Providing you know you’ll wear them, that is! Clothes shopping online is a great way to do this, as you can easily compare certain items!ĭecide on your favourite colours. Then, when you shop, only buy items that fit this description. Are you happy with them? If yes, great! If not, come up with 3 words you’d like to describe your style.

how to create your signature style

If possible, come up with 3 words that describe your style. What was it you didn’t like about those items? Paying attention to this aspect of your wardrobe will stop you from making the same mistakes in the future!

how to create your signature style

Write down the items in your wardrobe you don’t wear, or the items you have worn but didn’t like too much. We’ve all bought something and then left it hanging for months. These are the best items in your wardrobe and you’ll want to purchase items similar in the future. You shouldn’t just like the way the item looks it should be an item you have worn multiple times and gotten your wear out of. Then, when you have a list you’re happy with, try to decide what it is about the items you love the most. Less if you don’t have that many, more if you really love the items. Start by taking a look in your wardrobe and writing down 10 of your favourite items. You just need to have an idea of what you like and don’t like! This guide will help you: That isn’t to say you can’t experiment with different styles. You’ll know what you’re looking for when you shop, and you’ll know exactly what to put on every day. Finding your signature style can make life so much easier.

How to create your signature style